❉ Award Winning Web Series’ Kickstarter campaign launched.
Last year, we told you all about ‘Cops and Monsters’ – the ongoing, award winning supernatural drama series from Scotland guest-starring Sophie Aldred (Ace from Doctor Who), James Payton (Frank Longbottom, Harry Potter), Rachel Teate (Kara, Wolfblood), Leona Vaughan (Jana, Wolfblood), Simon Weir (Trainspotting 2), Katrina Bryan (Nina and the Neurons), Caitlin Blackwood (Amelia Pond, Doctor Who) and more.
‘Cops and Monsters’ are running a Kickstarter campaign for their series finale – check out the link at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nightisdaymovie/cops-and-monsters-series-1-finale and help them reach their goal.
Series 1 follows Maya Hedges as she comes to grips with working for the Paranormal Investigation Team Scotland, with her now ex-boyfriend-cum-partner Martin Carmichael, working the case of the Crimson Murders. Vicious werewolf assassin Alexis, aka Lycan A202, has been working with the Cult of Many Faces, to kill selected targets and strike fear in both the supernatural and human communities. To top things off, Maya is secretly hoping to use the PITS resources to find the truth about her parents death at the hands of a pack of werewolves years previously.
Producer Fraser Coull explains, “We have until April 30th to raise £3300 in order to shoot our finale, currently sitting just over £1900. If we don’t hit our target by the 30th we’ll receive none of the money raised and will be unable to complete series 1.”
In exchange for your support perks include: set visits, walk on roles, signed scripts, DVDs, blu-rays, props, mug-shot perks (your picture will appear in the PITS office), digital soundtracks, comic book art, posters, shout outs etc.
This episode will follow directly on from “Fight the Bite”, which is currently in post-production but you can watch a teaser below:
❉ All of the current episodes are available at www.copsandmonsters.co.uk
❉ All episodes, trailers, behind the scenes and more can be watched at www.copsandmonsters.co.uk
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