❉ The BBC’s 1989 adaptation of Philippa Pearce’s much-loved novel is set to arrive on UK DVD in time for Christmas.
‘Exciting supernatural/time travel story…has special effects arsenal to pull off this demanding serial in a satisfying manner…sticks closely to the book’ – Den of Geek
The classic 1980s BBC adaptation of family favourite Tom’s Midnight Garden is set to arrive on UK DVD in time for Christmas, courtesy of Second Sight Films.
When his brother is taken ill with measles, Tom Long (Jeremy Rampling), is sent to stay with his aunt and uncle for the summer and soon finds himself lonely and bored. One night whilst lying in bed he hears the old grandfather clock in the hall strike thirteen. Venturing downstairs to investigate, he opens the door and finds himself magically transported back in time to a Victorian garden and an incredible adventure with a new-found friend Hatty (Caroline Waldron).
Based on of the much-loved novel by Philippa Pearce, this beguiling six-part series is set for its DVD release on 12 November 2018 and arrives with a fascinating new special feature ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden – A Look Back With Director Christine Secombe’.
❉ ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’ (Cat.No.: 2NDVD3325) to be released 12 November 2018 by Second Sight Films. Cert: U Running Time: 151 mins approx. RRP: £19.99.