Doctor Who – Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 8 Volume 1
❉ Tom Baker’s latest Big Finish series has one foot in nostalgia and the other in Doctor Who’s present.
❉ Tom Baker’s latest Big Finish series has one foot in nostalgia and the other in Doctor Who’s present.
❉ “There is huge scope in this series.” The gamble bringing back cult sci-fi drama Star Cops onto audio has paid off, writes Michael Seely.
❉ Reprising her role as Leela, Louise Jameson’s performance stands as one of her finest hours for Big Finish.
❉ Fifteen volumes in, and the quality of the Black Archive series shows no signs of flagging.
❉ Sheridan Smith revisits the role of Lucie Miller in this intimate character piece.
❉ Casualties of War is a fitting end to Big Finish’s War Doctor series and an essential piece of ‘Doctor Who’ for all, writes Ian McCann.
❉ The latest instalment of Big Finish’s audio revival of Terry Nation’s post-apocalyptic drama.
❉ The War Doctor series, starring John Hurt and Jacqueline Pearce, is back… And so are the Sontarans!
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