❉ Charity zine benefiting the Glasgow School of Art, available for pre-order until April 29th!
Moon Man is a charity zine celebrating the career of the Scottish actor Peter Capaldi, covering roles from 1983 to the present day. Moon Man features 41 illustrations from 27 artists, as well as a unique story written just for the zine, with multiple routes and 4 possible endings.
All proceeds will be donated to Peter Capaldi’s art school alma mater, the Glasgow School of Art. Through the Friends of GSA, the school uses donations to support student development, such as with scholarships and study abroad programs.
Talking to We Are Cult, Ginger Hoesly said of the project:
“I think Capaldi embodies the idea of “cult” so well, between his actual life and roles he ended up playing. Being in a punk rock band, going to art school, talking about his love of horror movies and David Bowie and how those influenced his creative choices – he’s “one of us”, and Moon Man is a celebration of that. He didn’t make a name for himself until he was older and almost quit acting, but people have so much passion for his work that really showed up in the illustrations created by the zine contributors.
“I have two pieces in the zine, but the one I claimed before I even opened applications was for Balthazar from a 2011 BBC production of The Nativity. I watch it every Christmas, it’s very near and dear to my heart. I found that to be a common thread from the artists.
“One of the artists wanted to do a piece of him as Jean Coctaeu in Modigliani, and as well versed as I am in the PCap filmography, I had never even heard of it. I was amazed at certain roles that a lot of people clamored for, like Mr. Whiskers from The Greatest Store in the World (which I understand as a “holiday tradition” movie to some – again, I’d not heard of it), and I got a big laugh that someone stepped forward genuinely wanting to draw Hilton from Hotel! (which is a So Bad It’s Good movie that I find funny while others find it torturous). And of course there’s Local Hero, Lair of the White Worm, and Neverwhere, but there was so much love that I hope people can appreciate Capaldi beyond Malcolm Tucker and the 12th Doctor (both roles that I also adore).”
There are three ways to purchase the zine and five ways to support the project:
❉ The Digital Zine is the full zine, in PDF format.
❉ The Physical Zine is the above, but in tangible real-life form. Sized 6×9″, approximately 64 pages in length, and perfect bound.
❉ The Zine & Merch Bundle includes the physical zine, as well as all merchandise produced, and will include any merch stretch goals upon unlocking them. Lots of unique swag available!
❉ The Merch Bundle solely includes the aforementioned swag. Sales of this bundle will also count towards stretch goals.
❉ And finally there is the Moon Man T-Shirt – it’s like the zine, except you can wear it comfortably around your torso!
There are two stretch goals for the merch orders, the first of which is already unlocked! A 3″ embroidered patch was the first goal, and at 50 merch orders, a 1.5″ hard enamel pin will be added to any merch order placed.
Orders will run until April 29th, after which production will begin. Anticipated ship date is late May to early June, so please keep an eye on the blog and Twitter for the most up-to-date information!
❉ Purchase at www.rathzem.com
❉ News source: Ginger Hoesly.
❉ We Are Cult is not responsible for the content of this news release.