We Are Cult is a new web presence hosting regular news, reviews and features covering everything from Bonzo Dog Band to Blair Witch, Cathy Come Home to Cannibal Holocaust, Jean-Luc Godard to the Goodies, The Prisoner to the Pixies, Kiss to Quatermass, arthouse to grindhouse…
We Are Cult will be a welcoming home for fans of all genres and media, focusing on anything distinctive, independently minded, and wayward in spirit.
Our content will be intelligent, engaging, provocative, challenging and above all fun; boasting well-written articles and reviews by new and experienced writers, covering the worlds of cinema, television, music and books up to the present day.
We Are Cult goes ‘Behind The Sofa’!
❉ We Are Cult’s first event of 2020 is the perfect New Year rut-buster for Doctor Who fans!